Monday, May 16, 2011

Parker James Thomas

My labor and delivery with Parker was quite easy, minus one small complication after he was born. We went into the hospital at 10:00 on a Thursday night, thinking that we were going to be induced, only to find out that I was actually in early labor. I had contractions all night long, and tried to get as much rest as possible, but between the excitement and the pain, that was pretty much impossible! Nona and Aunt Kelly showed up around 5:00am because they were so excited that they couldn't sleep either! Dr. Peterson came in and broke my water around 7:00 and warned me that my contractions would get much worse from there on out...and boy did they ever! I thought I could tough it out for a while, but I definitely caved earlier than expected and asked for the oh my, if I could only describe the wonder of the epidural! I felt a million times better after that - my body was working hard, only I couldn't feel it! The rest of the day is sort of a blur...I drifted in and out of naps, Dr. Peterson came by to check on me sometime in the middle of the day, we watched some of the Royal Wedding, and at 5:00 when Dr. Peterson came back to check, she said it was definitely time to start pushing! They quickly got everything setup, I pushed for about 20 minutes and our sweet baby boy was born at 5:28! Unfortunately, after that, my uterus would not stop bleeding and I lost a significant amount of blood, which has left me severely anemic. Dr. Peterson is truly amazing though and kept me calm while she worked hard to stop the bleeding. I could barely stay awake once they were done working on me, but they brought Parker to me sometime later that night (I think around 7:30) to nurse...and he did wonderful! We slept together, skin-on-skin and despite feeling terrible from the blood loss, it was the most incredible feeling of my life! Here are some pictures from the absolute BEST day of our lives...

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