Monday, November 5, 2012

18 Months

18 Months.  I cannot believe my baby is EIGHTEEN months old!  He's halfway through his second year of life already....which means he is just about closer to TWO than he is to one.  I really can't think about it for too long because it almost makes me sad when I realize how fast time is going by.  He's changing so quickly and while I am always in love with each new phase, I get a little bit sad when another one has come and gone without me even realizing it.  I'm trying to be so aware of the precious moments I have with him and to slow down our crazy life to simply ENJOY him...because one day, my sweet 18 month old will be 18 and I know I'll be missing the days of spilled milk and "If You're Happy & You Know It".  Speaking of which, Parker absolutely loves that song and his face literally lights up every time he hears it.  He requests it each time we get in the car by pointing to the radio and saying "song, song, song..." until I turn it on.  He is developing such a sweet little personality and absolutely takes after his daddy...he loves to laugh.  He is starting to understand when we joke with him, and he's starting to also understand when we are definitely NOT joking with him.  Use a stern voice with him and it's quite possibly the saddest face you've ever seen.  Lip quiver and all!  He loves to go and see our house, and now calls every building under construction a "house".  His version of "amen", which sounds a little bit more like "ahh-me", will just about melt your heart.  He totally blows me away when he remembers which grocery stores he can go for a "ride" at (on their car carts) and which he can't (he never asks to do it at walmart!), and he pretty much assumes that he can have anything as long as he says "Pwease".  It's almost as if, overnight, he developed a love for playing with cars, trucks and trains.  He even makes the little "vroom" sound!  Still obsessed with balls and Elmo.  He has gained 3 pounds and two inches since July, which means he went through a definite growth spurt.  Oh, if there were only words to describe how MUCH we LOVE this little boy.  It's just about enough to make our hearts burst.

Officially 18 months and pretty much beyond cute.

 Our pre-bedtime ritual of milk, snuggles and of course, Elmo.

 He loves how daddy reads to him.  And isn't his daddy just about the BEST daddy in the world for even reading to him during an A&M football game??

 So proud of you, daddy.

 My insanely handsome boys.

 Parker loves playing with his buddy, Asher and just recently, Asher came over to hang out while his mommy went to the dr.  They had a great time playing together!

 He's also just now really developed a true love for his puppy AND blankie.  It's so sweet to watch how he'll just randomly gather them up and give them huge hugs.

 Parker's heaven: going for a ride WITH Sesame Street buds!

 Exploring our new house!

 He has no idea just how much he's going to love this backyard!

I guess it's just really something in the male genes, huh!?!

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