Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mr. Talkative

Not only is Parker a talkative little guy, but he's also super animated and expressive, which makes it even more fun to listen as he chit-chats away. Lately, our favorite thing is when he gets so excited that he uses a super deep voice to say words like "Mater" or "big one!!", or even in the middle of singing Jesus Loves Me, he'll change his voice when he sings "they are weak but he is STRONG"! We have no idea where he learned this deep, adorable tone, but it cracks us up every time. His sentences and words are getting longer and more complex too..."Oh perfect, Mommy!", "Help me put that up there", "I watch Woody please", "See that bulldozer!". He is becoming independent and will say "My turn" when he wants to do something by himself, like walk up the stairs or get into his car seat. He is also repeating everything we say! (Time to really be careful, Mommy and Daddy!) Yesterday morning we were saying goodbye to Tyson before he went to work and he repeated me and said "Bye sweetheart"!! He still loves playing with race cars and dump trucks, driving his "new truck" that PawPaw and Gigi have him for his birthday, and playing in any sort of water. (Or "low" as he calls it...the one and only word that he never attempts to say!) I never thought the day would come, but it did, and he jumped (or fell) out of his crib during a nap one day and then again that night. Knock on wood he hasn't tried to do it again since, because mommy just isn't ready to move her GREAT sleeper into a bed that he can get in and out of by himself yet! We have been busy playing with friends and keeping cool with his new water slide. A few of my sweet and very thoughtful friends (you know who you are!) organized a "surprise" birthday party for him at a local fire station! He loved "driving" the truck, of course. Our friends, Matt & Kim and their son Benjamin and twin babies came to see us at the lake over Memorial Day. The boys had a great time playing in the pool and Parker and Benjamin even rode on the tube together! My sweet husband and I celebrated our SEVENTH anniversary, and he even got a pedicure with me!! Oh, the things we do for love!!! He is the best and every day I am reminded how LUCKY I am to have a man that loves me SO much.

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