Wednesday, August 1, 2012

15 Months

Parker James seems to be learning and growing and changing right before our very eyes!  He is literally a sponge and is absorbing so much right's pretty much amazing to watch as he tries to do what we do and say what we say.  Speaking of doing and saying...he talks ALL the time but sounds like he just might be from Russia or Slovakia instead of America!  His jibberish is hilarious!  A few of his current English words are: Elmo, PawPaw, "throw-it", light, hot (always said with his little hand up and in sort of a whisper voice) ball (his absolute fave), BYE (always followed by blowing a kiss - even if it's to the trash can), dog, hi, monkey, no-no, yeah, outside, and again.  Granted, all of these words are in Parker-lingo which means they don't necessarily sound exactly right, but we definitely know he's trying to say "monkey" even if it only sounds like "mmmm".  He is still in love with climbing on just about everything and his latest favorite game is playing "catch" with any sort of ball.  He is obsessed with any sort of remote control and usually tries to talk on it as if it's a phone...cutest thing ever!  He loves to watch Sesame Street and Mickey's Clubhouse and has adopted the "hot dog" dance (he bends his elbow and moves it from left to right) as his favorite move.  He has just dropped down to only one nap a day and generally sleeps through the night from 7:30 - 6:30...that internal alarm of his occasionally snoozes until 6:45, but that's usually the latest he likes to sleep.  He got his first pretty bad burn last week on his thumb when he grabbed Mommy's hair straightener...he was quite a trooper and didn't cry for very long considering the blister that was left on his itty-bitty thumb.  I think it was way harder on Mommy and Daddy than it was on him!  He got two shots at his 15 month appointment and barely cried at all...this boy really is tough which is slightly scary considering that his braveness will more than likely end in some sort of injury as he gets older!  He weighs 23 pounds and is in the 30th percentile for weight and 80th percentile for height.  It looks like he has inherited his Uncle Brady's tall and slender genes!  Here are some pics of our constantly changing, ever adorable 15 month old boy!

He's added an extra activity to his "activity table" by pushing it around the house.

Papa continues to try and turn Parker into a Texans fan...but what Papa doesn't understand is that this is the son of Tyson Thomas, which means he is destined to be a Dallas Cowboys fan...either that, or there is a slight possibility he could be disowned for ever liking any other team that is not affiliated with Dallas or Texas A&M.

 He loves his bath!

 This arrangement of computers/furniture was in no way intended to be dangerous...but Parker looked at it as a fun baby mountain just perfect for him to climb.

 He was very proud of himself.  Especially when he found a remote in the basket at the top.

 Daddy is so much fun to play with in the pool!

 Such a big boy just hanging out watching Mickey!

 What to do on a super hot Saturday afternoon?  Go to the mall along with everyone else!  Daddy kept a smile on his face and was a good sport even though he said he would rather go to a piano bar than be there...if you know my husband at all you would know that statement means he absolutely HATES the mall.

 I'm so lucky to have a family of such handsome boys!

 He was exhausted after church on Sunday and fell asleep holding his cup

 Just another super busy Monday morning filled with important business calls...

He was doing a very important business deal!

 Uncle Keith is going to Singapore for a couple of months so we all got together to have a farewell dinner for him...Parker was loving the stool we got out -- just another thing to climb on!

 He loves those cute cousins of his!

Love, love, LOVE that sweet little face.


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