Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A BIG week!

It has been such a huge week in the life of our little man! He hit 5 1/2 months old and all of a sudden has changed from a baby to a little boy! He has been sleeping in his own room, in his own crib (yes, he slept in our room for what was probably too long...but his room is all the way upstairs and I felt like he would be lonely!! Plus, he was still waking up to eat once at night, and who wants to walk up all those stairs at 3:00 am?!) and has been sleeping through the night! We have been trying out some solid food too! And, of course, he has become mobile and started army crawling around! Like I said, it's been one BIG week for Parker James!

Getting ready to try out some homemade sweet potatoes!

This face says it ALL! He was NOT a fan of sweet potatoes OR oatmeal!

As a matter of fact, he wouldn't even open his mouth!

On the same day of his first official food and his first official time crawling, we went to a wedding and he got some lovin' from Aunt Kelly!

Look at his poor knees from crawling so hard!

This sweet boy was so determined to get to the remote control and the iPad that he got rug burn!

Our second attempt with solids....only SLIGHTLY better than the night before.

Cool weather FINALLY made it to Texas!

He's all bundled up and ready for his morning walk with mommy!

How SWEET is that face!?

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos Karis! Sorry to see his knees are hurting, but the food pictures are priceless. He is SO cute and I can't wait to hold him again!
