Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another fun week!

Minus ANOTHER ear infection, it has been yet another fun week in the life of Parker James. Daddy was in a wedding last weekend and he and Mommy were supposed to have a romantic getaway while Parker spent some time with Nona & Papa...only Sweet P came down with a 103 fever on Friday morning, just as we were supposed to leave! So daddy went to the wedding and mommy stayed home and took sweet baby P to the doctor where we found out that once again, it was an ear infection that was making him feel bad! Thank goodness for the tubes though because his ears really don't seem to hurt near as much as they used to and all we have to do is put drops in them rather than put him on an antibiotic. Still, its just never easy to see your baby feeling bad and you can't do anything to make it better! He is finally feeling better and has had a really big week! He is clapping on command, saying "hi!", can nod his head yes when we ask him to, waves bye-bye, can point to his mouth and occasionally his belly button, has learned how to push the button on his pop-up toy to "find the panda", and will "go down easy" on his tummy to get down the stairs! He is really starting to understand us! He loves, loves, LOVES his daddy and will stand at the door almost as if he is looking for him! He also LOVES Journey and climbs all over her...much to her dismay. He is changing more and more with each day!

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