Thursday, January 5, 2012

8 Months!

Happy 2012!! Is it just me or does it feel like time is literally FLYING by?! 8 months old just doesn't seem possible...our baby boy is just 4 months shy of a year! It has been another big, BUSY month in the life of Sweet Parker James! He got his first TWO bottom teeth in...and I must admit, that smile I didn't think could get ANY cuter, most certainly did! He is pulling up on anything and everything he can find...his piano, the dishwasher, coffee table, toilet, bathtub, oven...and the list goes on and on! Needless to say, Parker is busy, and mommy is BUSIER chasing him around! He is still army crawling and just might skip true crawling all together because of his new found love for standing. His cousin, Tenley, was born on Dec 22 and she is beautiful! We spent his first Christmas at PawPaw and Gigi's house (we left our memory card there so more pics to come later!) and despite his first true super sickness and double ear was wonderful! Parker loves to drink water from a straw that we give him and he has just started covering his face with a blanket as his first form of peek-a-boo. His favorite time of day is when daddy gets home and they chase each other around on the floor! He is a jabber box and talks all the time!!

His favorite position! Standing with his piano and turning the pages!


I caught him in the middle of this face!

Check out my super cute teeth!!

I'm done with this photo shoot already, mom!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't even believe how big Parker is!!! I love you PK!!!
