Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Our poor little guy has not been able to shake the double ear infection he's had since before Christmas! He has been on three different antibiotics and STILL they are really infected. His pediatrician sent us to an ENT after the antibiotics weren't working. We saw her last Monday and after stating that sweet little Parker had a "rip-roaring" ear infection, she prescribed a strong dose of amoxicillin with augmentin in it. She was not surprised that he hadn't been sleeping at all because his ears were so bad. Did I mention it's like we have a newborn again and have been taking shifts throughout the night? He was better for a little while after Christmas, but then started not wanting to be laid down again and was waking up every few hours in awful screaming pain. Poor baby! This new antibiotic seemed to be working at first, and when we went back in for a check-up last Friday, she said his right ear was clear, but the left was still infected. :( Today is his last day of medicine, and we go back next Friday for another check...if it's still infected, we'll probably have to talk about tubes. Like mother like son, I guess! This is pretty much to the 'T' what I went through at the same age! I just feel so bad for him because there's not a whole lot we can do to help with the pain and he just keeps pulling on his little ears!

Daddy snapped this one night...this is one of the only ways we could sleep with him because his ears hurt too bad if he was laying down flat!

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