Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It seems like each day Parker gets just a little more busy than the one before. Take your eye off him for just one second and he's into something that he shouldn't be! He is fascinated with anything that is NOT a, note to self in the not buy any toys to clutter up your house when tupperware and dishwashers provide endless fun for free! Seriously though, he's into EVERYTHING!

He started showing an interest in Peek-a-Boo on our way home from Aledo after Christmas! It's really precious to watch him play!

Loves helping mommy with the laundry!

I love him!!

Nona's oven is just the perfect height for him to stand on!

He was very pleased with himself after figuring this out!

His beloved dishwashwer!

He literally comes crawling around the corner as fast as he can when he hears me open it!

On this particular day, he decided to crawl inside of it!

And then he proceeded to stand up and reach for the silverware!

Yes, he's been sick...but that hasn't kept him down!

Or kept the cute smile off his face!

He was cheering for those Texans in the cute outfit Papa and Nona bought him! Bummer they didn't win though.

One of his other favorite spots lately...he loves opening the cupboard and pulling everything out!

I was cracking up when I heard him sucking on something...I looked down and he had found a bottle nipple in the cupboard and just decided it was meant for sucking on!

Sometimes we go on walks just to keep him still for a bit!

Ah, yes! The tupperware! Another fave in the kitchen!

He might be sick, and he might be busy, but he's certainly always so stinkin' cute I can't stand it!

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