Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Parker's First Christmas!

Mommy is WAY late in getting this posted, but finally here you have it, pictures from Parker's FIRST Christmas. Even though our little guy was SUPER sick, he was still such a trooper and we had an absolutely wonderful Christmas vacation. We started it off at Nona and Papa's lake house the day before Tenley was born...Parker got to get in some good lovin' with G.G. (Great Grandma Casswell!) and Grandpa Great (my Grandpa Liddicoat) which was so special - especially since he hadn't seen either of them since he was 8 weeks old. I spent most of the next day at the hospital while Aunt Kelly had baby Tenley (once again, an insanely easy birth!) and daddy and Parker spent the day together at the lake. Unfortunately, this is the day that Parker started feeling bad and it just got worse from there. As it turns out, not only was he super congested and had a bad cough, he also had a double ear infection. (We found this out the day after Christmas when we took him to the urgent care clinic in Aledo) After our Casswell Christmas at the lake, we drove up to PawPaw and Gigi's in Aledo on the 23rd to spend the rest of the break with Tyson's family. We had such a special Christmas with them...they definitely made Parker's first one that we will never forget! We just kept saying we wished he felt better because you could just see it all over his sweet little face that he was miserable. He would only sleep upright on me or Tyson because his ears hurt and he couldn't breathe...needless to say, we felt a little bit like we stepped back in time to having a newborn! We are so blessed to have such wonderful families to spend the holidays with...we love all of them so much and can't say THANK YOU enough for making Parker's first Christmas so filled with LOVE and special memories!
Papa bought Parker his first dump truck!

See the nose and cheeks? Poor baby!

Daddy helped Parker open some of his presents at the lake

Only this little boy just wasn't feeling up to par and couldn't even get excited about it...

So sad!

Daddy was able to bring out a few smiles though!

Nona babysat Parker so we could go to the hospital and let Uncle Tyson meet Tenley!

She is BEAUTIFUL...just like the rest of the Sadlers!

Gorgeous mommy and baby!

Our precious little elf on Christmas Eve!

He cracked up at himself in the mirror!

We took his mind off of being sick by playing in the workout room!

He was so sick...but SO cute at the same time. I LOVE this picture!

His poor nose was so congested and would not stop running...

He sure does love his daddy!

He loved playing with Uncle Colby too!

Christmas Eve tradition of opening one present...

Christmas Jammies!!

Gigi's precious little Santa man!

Parker sure loves his PawPaw!

Super cute smile even when he doesn't feel good!

Christmas morning...Santa certainly spoiled Parker rotten!

He still wasn't feeling great, but had about 30 minutes of fun opening presents...

He seriously LOVES the wagon that Santa brought him!!!

I mean this was the only way we could get him to smile and be happy while he was sick...taking him for rides in his very first wagon!

Uncle Colby got a smile out of him!


Tyson's grandmas and his Aunt Jayne and Uncle Chris came over on Christmas day...here's Mimi talking to Parker while he snacks on his Mum-Mum!

Nanny and Mimi just loved talking to Parker James!

Parker was a little...or maybe A LOT...curious about Nanny's oxygen tube!

Whoops! He got the death grip on it and pulled it right out of her nose!

Gigi fed Parker some breakfast after we took him to the doctor the next morning...

Thank you, Gigi and PawPaw for such a GREAT Christmas!

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